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UnionTech Promotes Innovation for 3D Printing Growth at formnext Stand C14 in Hall 3.1

Today, industrial grade stereolithography equipment, at both a commercial and production scale, offers product developers and manufacturers one of the largest installed equipment bases, widest range of application capabilities, and high diversity in application types.

Visitors to formnext, November 14th-17th , are encouraged to visit UnionTech at Stand C14 in Hall 3.1 to explore a range of applications made possible by integrating the printing capabilities of stereolithography with established manufacturing technologies. UnionTech will have on display a variety of applications improved or enabled by an open design philosophy of equipment, materials and software.

Investment casting is a well-established use of SL for the production of reinforced hollow investment casting patterns.

A fine lattice created through the use of Materialise Magics TetraShell module can now replace the typical honeycomb structure of casting patterns. While the newest generation of SL materials, Somos Element, can be utilized for improved overall processing.

Injection molding tooling  benefits from the ability to utilize a 3rd generation  filled composite material, Somos Perform, featuring elevated temperature performance greater than 250 C for maximized tool performance. Layers as thin as 0.05mm are possible with exceptionally smooth sidewalls to reduce secondary finishing.

Metal clad composites utilize established structural nickel plating processes to achieve mechanical properties approaching die cast aluminum or magnesium. Alternate plating strategies create composites with tailored wear surfaces and EMI/RFI shielding characteristics. The range of available UnionTech  platform sizes , 250mm x 250mm to 800mm x 800mm, coupled with full density parts with excellent aesthetics opens a wide range of application possibilities including housings, wave guides and mechanical components. The appropriate plating strategy offers a bridge between the performance capability gap of the strongest additive manufactured polymer parts and direct metal.

To learn more stop by UnionTech at Stand C14 in Hall 3.1 at formnext.

About UnionTech

For nearly 20 years, UnionTech stereolithography (SL) 3D printing equipment has been developed and manufactured in an environment of intense regional competition. The UnionTech product offering for the international market of today reflects the experience that has made it a global leader in stereolithography.

Our equipment is robustly constructed for low cost of ownership, from the initial purchase onward while producing the highest quality parts. Parts produced on UnionTech SL equipment are highly accurate with excellent feature resolution and full density, smooth surfaces. A philosophy of open design relative to material usage demonstrates UnionTech’s desire to provide customers with the best available product solutions. Explore the fresh dimension in SL 3D printing that UnionTech makes available in a full line of commercial and production scale machines.

UnionTech–Create your Imagination

Shanghai Union Technology Corporation

Room 102, Unit 40, 258 Xinzhuan Rd, Shanghai, 201612, China

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