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A Rare Buddha Statue Reproduced by 3d Printing

In March of this year, UnionTech received an email from a customer. This client saw a Buddha statue abroad and liked it very much. However, this Buddha statue has been collected for many years, and there is no place to find it on the market, so he contacted UnionTech to copy the same Buddha statue through 3D printing.

Step One

3D scanning of the original Buddha image to obtain 3D point cloud data. Based on the point cloud data, the engraving software ZBrush is used for secondary detail characterization, and finally a 3D model with a high degree of restoration and complete details is obtained.

Step Two

With the acquired 3D data model, the model is split for later processing. Reinforced structural treatment is done on the inside of the model to ensure long-term durability.

Step Three

Upload the processed files to the UnionTech Lite600 printer and start printing.

Step Four

Finely sand the printed part to remove the support structure. More than three fine sanding, then coloring, and finally assembling one by one.


Due to ancient technology, most Buddha statues exist in the world in the form of ceramics, sculptures, metals, flat portraits, etc. Once damaged, they cannot be repaired. In addition, most of the ancient Buddha statues were made by hand, and the craftsmanship of each master is different. It is basically impossible to want two identical ones.

With the help of 3D printing technology, not only the complete reproduction of the Buddha statue can be completed, but also the original Buddha statue can be enlarged or reduced to meet the various needs of customers of different sizes and different environments.

With the continuous maturity of 3D scanning and 3D printing technology, 3D printing has also begun to gradually develop towards the restoration of cultural relics and restoration of ancient buildings. I believe that in the future, there will be more and richer cultural resources that can be presented through 3D printing technology.

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