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The Use of 3D Laser Printers Reduces the Number of Parts and Brings Advantages

1. The emergence of 3D laser printers

The appearance of 3D laser printer reduces the number of parts in the manufacturing process and promotes the integrated manufacturing of parts. The public doesn't seem to quite understand why reducing the number of parts is so good for the final product and manufacturing.

The iterative design of 3D laser printer makes it cheaper and faster to change or develop new designs. For example, the space needed to store parts sets is reduced to the space for individual parts; All components can be manufactured separately, better integrated rather than working separately. Overall, fewer parts also reduce many other variables, such as less surface area and less overall post-processing surface, less processing costs, and less machine hours, thus reducing costs.

2. Understand the use of 3D laser printer to reduce the number of parts and bring advantages

The overall impact of reducing the number of components by reducing the amount of 3D materials resin used will be more complex. For example, removing fasteners, integrating, and changing part shape can radically change the shape of the final part. With fewer parts, lighter weights and centralized manufacturing, transport costs are also reduced.

From a part point of view, 3D laser printers allow parts to be redesigned more quickly without changing tools. In addition, redesigning parts becomes cheaper and faster. It also simplifies storage and logistics from a spatial perspective through a distributed production approach.

The advent of 3D laser printer has made design iteration faster and easier, especially since the effects on other parts can be dealt with in a new part. With the reduction of transportation costs, suppliers' order risk is also relatively reduced. The reduced cash flow and capital expenditure required for new products enables the companies involved to respond more quickly to the market and change their products to meet new competitors, niche markets or applications. This means that future product updates will be faster and less costly.

Fewer parts mean less service costs and fewer parts require less replacement time, resulting in less overall downtime and thus lower maintenance costs. Fewer assembly times and steps reduce operator error rates and eliminate the risk of fasteners, glutes and DLP materials interfering with each other, reducing material failures and significantly speeding up overall production. This will shorten the time to market for future new products and make the companies involved more competitive in future markets.

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